Dates for this event

Jan 27, 2024

CVFS Presents: Underdog

January 27  - January 27
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Underdog shown on the big screen at the Grange

Special guests filmmakers Aaron Woolf and Tommy Hyde

Saturday, January 27 at 7 p.m. 

Doug Butler is an aging, eccentric, charming, and rugged Vermont dairy farmer who’s struggling to keep his family farm afloat. Then he decides to risk losing the only home he’s ever known to embark on the infamous 1,000-mile Iditarod sled-dog race across Alaska. 

Introduced by producer Aaron Woolf and director Tommy Hyde. Woolf is the director for the award-winning documentary King Corn. Hyde is a documentary filmmaker whose work explores people and stories at the fringes of society.

Admission: $7.50 adults / $4 under 18

Refreshments available, including movie popcorn.

Presented by the Champlain Valley Film Series


1610 NYS Rte 22, Essex, 12936
(518) 963-7777
Adults: $7.50 Under 18: $4


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